I modified the template further to make some changes related with the filename extensions and added the extraction of the signature byte. The template extracts the fuse data into seperate files for 'hex' output depending on the fuse byte so the programming of the AVR can be automated with the following command:
avrdude -c dragon_isp -P usb -p $(MCU) -u -U flash:w:${TARGET_OUTPUT_FILE}.hex -U eeprom:w:${TARGET_OUTPUT_FILE}.eep -U lfuse:w:${TARGET_OUTPUT_FILE}.lfs -U hfuse:w:${TARGET_OUTPUT_FILE}.hfs -U efuse:w:${TARGET_OUTPUT_FILE}.efs -U lock:w:${TARGET_OUTPUT_FILE}.lock
This considers an 'AVR Dragon' is used as programmer hardware. '$MCU' is the variable that contains the mcu type information which I had included in the template before. If an ATXMEGA mcu is used, the template should be further modified to extract the other fuse bytes. The current template distributed with CodeBlocks lacks the extraction of 'fuse, lock & signature' bytes from the resulting flash file which may cause problems if those bytes are used. So I request this template to be verified and used in further distributions. I only modified the original template so the thanks and credits go to the original author.
May I also request 'Project/properties/debugger/additional shell commands' option to be implemented as soon as possible. It's a very important feature for the embedded programmer.
And 1 last question, do I have an option to redirect standart output to say 'debugger' tab for my custom tools on the tools menu?