The new Release 20.03 is out! You can download binaries for Windows and many major Linux distros here .
/////////////////////BEGIN TraceEx.h HEADER FILE/////////////////////////// In codeblocks, go to "project->build options" select "Debug" in the left list window,// then in the "#defines" tab add the value "DEBUG=1"////#ifndef TRACEEX1#define TRACEEX1#ifdef DEBUG#define DEBUG_ON#endif#ifdef _DEBUG#ifndef DEBUG_ON#define DEBUG_ON#endif#endif#ifdef DEBUG_ON#include <stdio.h>#define TRACE(x...) printf(x);//catch semicolon#else#define TRACE(x...) //do nothing with x#endif#endif/////////////////////END TraceEx.h HEADER FILE////////////////////////////////////////EXAMPLE OF HOW TO USE TRACE MACRO/////////////////////add your include file, at Release build time this file will compile to an empty file and get discarded#include "TraceEx.h"//do NOT put a semicolon at the end of your trace macro (we put in the define for you)//though if you forget, and put a semicolon, the function seems to work on in release and debug ok//when compiled in release mode this line will complile to a BLANK lineTRACE("%s","this is a trace test")//////////////END EXAMPLE OF HOW TO USE TRACE MACRO///////////////////