Author Topic: is it possible to set a working dir for compilation?  (Read 3334 times)

Offline mattn2

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is it possible to set a working dir for compilation?
« on: October 11, 2010, 12:31:44 pm »

we have a project file that is below project/build/projects/name.cbp and a sourcedir below project/src - is it somehow possible to set the compile working dir to project/? i'm asking this because in our rc file we have a path for a manifest file (project.exe.manifest) that is below project/build/projects/ - crosscompiling with a makefile works fine when the resource it set to the path build/projects/project.exe.manifest in the project.rc file. but this is not working for c::b - i really don't wanna add a preprocessor variable to be able to use codeblocks. so i'm searching for the above mentioned option to make codeblocks not search the resource in project/build/projects/build/projects/project.exe.manifest.

thanks a lot