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thanks again.

I finally compiled wx from commandline using make with bat file i wrote:

--- Code: ---
set WXWIN=X:\
set MSVC=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003
set MSSDK=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDK
set INCLUDE=%MSVC%\include;%MSSDK%\include
set LIB=%MSVC%\lib;%MSSDK%\lib
set PATH=%MSVC%\bin;%MSSDK%\bin;%MSSDK%\bin\win64;%PATH%
rem  create fake drive x:
rem ntsubst x: C:\wxWindows-2.4.2
subst  x: C:\wxWindows-2.4.2
cd \src
rem you need to get nmake and rc from somewhere. IIRC i used ones from msvc6.0
rem nmake -f FINAL=1 cleanall
nmake -f FINAL=1 BUILD=release SHARED=1 RUNTIME_LIBS=dynamic all
rem nmake -f FINAL=1 BUILD=release SHARED=0 RUNTIME_LIBS=dynamic all

--- End code ---

But i haven't sucesed to compile DLL yet, only statically linked lib. Some piece of wx documentation is missing so i don't sure how to compile DLL

Maybe i'll copypaste some compiler parameters from makefiles and try compiling it from code::blocks again. I had to do it to compile demos and samples to work with static lib.


--- Quote ---But i haven't sucesed to compile DLL yet, only statically linked lib
--- End quote ---

You just have to add WXMAKINGDLL=1 in the nmake command line  :mrgreen:


Tried that... Looked at makefiles today, and found mistake in src/ , it contains

--- Code: ---
cd msw
nmake -f FINAL=$(FINAL)

--- End code ---

and WXMAKINGDLL is not passed any further, heh.

Invoked src/msw/ directl, got "missing delayimp.lib"... removed delayed DLL loading stuff and compiled ok. Examples works. (except always needed to remove odbc32.lib and odbccp32.lib from linker options . Have no idea why everyone link with unnecessary libs...)

BTW, i found small bug:

When importing microsoft visual c++ project, it asks what compiler to use. I choose "microsoft visual c++ toolkit 2003" . Then it asks to "convert compiler/linker command line switches to GCC's switches , yes/no?" . I choose "no" . Then i open project->build options , and see that while in project settings itself, visual c++ toolkit is selected, in "default target" ,GCC is selected. It prevents things from compiling.

I 'll fix this asap. Thanks.



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