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void NativeParser::CreateClassBrowser(){ ConfigManager* cfg = Manager::Get()->GetConfigManager(_T("code_completion")); if (!m_pClassBrowser && cfg->ReadBool(_T("/use_symbols_browser"), true)) { bool isFloating = cfg->ReadBool(_T("/as_floating_window"), false); if (!isFloating) { // make this a tab in projectmanager notebook m_pClassBrowser = new ClassBrowser(Manager::Get()->GetProjectManager()->GetNotebook(), this); Manager::Get()->GetProjectManager()->GetNotebook()->AddPage(m_pClassBrowser, _("Symbols")); m_pClassBrowser->UpdateSash(); } else { m_pClassBrowser = new ClassBrowser(Manager::Get()->GetAppWindow(), this); // make this a free floating/docking window CodeBlocksDockEvent evt(cbEVT_ADD_DOCK_WINDOW); = _T("SymbolsBrowser"); evt.title = _("Symbols browser"); evt.pWindow = m_pClassBrowser; evt.dockSide = CodeBlocksDockEvent::dsRight; evt.desiredSize.Set(200, 250); evt.floatingSize.Set(200, 250); evt.minimumSize.Set(150, 150); evt.shown = true; evt.hideable = true; Manager::Get()->ProcessEvent(evt); m_pClassBrowser->UpdateSash(); } m_ClassBrowserIsFloating = isFloating; // Dreaded DDE-open bug related: do not touch unless for a good reason// m_pClassBrowser->SetParser(m_pParser); }}
What is the 'DDE-open bug' ?
Quote from: Loaden on August 20, 2010, 05:49:18 pmWhat is the 'DDE-open bug' ?...However, you can also try to use SVN blame to find out when this was commented.
mandrav 2008-2-23 22:14:40 * Seemingly fixed dreaded DDE bug on windows.* Parse project(s) for symbols when opening through the command-line.
Of course, I have rewritten SetParser function, and added a temporary Parser, So, I think do not have this problem now.