This function is a fantastic time-saver, but I'm wondering if there's a way to get around a slight problem that I'm having with it?
I have many classes with specifically declared (but not implemented) Copy Constructors and Assignment Operators, as I do not wish the compiler to generate it's own shallow versions. (nor use them with STL containers)
class MyClass
... various
MyClass(const Myclass&); // Do NOT implement default Cpy Cstr
MyClass& operator =(const MyClass&); // Do NOT implement default Assign. Cstr.
I imagine that it's probably impossible for the Editor to know whether you've added these declarations to disable them, or whether you've added them with the intention of adding them in later.
Is it possible to avoid the inevitable list of
MyClass(const Myclass&);
MyClass& operator =(const MyClass&);
MyClass(const Myclass&);
MyClass& operator =(const MyClass&);
... ad infinitum, etc. ...
that builds up in this Dialog as you add more classes?