Dear Code::Blocks community,
I am using C::B quite for a while now - privately as well as at work (I'm a PhD student, programming a lot) in more-or-less daily use. I just wanted to state that it is really, really a very good and helpful project. I've first started by just using C::B for little projects, meanwhile I've adopted my whole codebase at work (around 1000 files after all) and it simply works. Then I've managed it to include even Fortran projects (that I am forced to work on :lol:) where I've never had an IDE at all (which was a pain). Meanwhile it's even supported easily without any tweaks. Then I started to compile C::B from CVS because I couldn't wait for the new features added to CVS anymore. It just keeps keeps growing and getting better. Just as of today I've even managed to have a look inside the PlugIn framework, gave it a ty and it worked from scratch. Allthough I've filed some issues on SourceForge I just wanted to say that on my machine it is running really stable and (again:) it just works! Since I've started programming I was always searching for a cross-platform IDE as Code::Blocks. Now I've landed. Thank you all, guys.
(...just happy at the moment.