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Problem with the abort build button

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I have a problem with the abort build button. When I press the button to stop the display of an especially long list of errors, CB stops displaying the errors, but when I release the button it re-continue to display them. Is this a possible bug?

I use CB rc2 under Windows XP SP2.

Thank you very much.

Best wishes,

No, it's not a bug.

The displayal of errors is done via messages which are not forwarded while you hold down the button. Also, the running process is not immediately terminated, but keeps sending output.

So it is perfectly normal to get output after releasing the button. What is really aborted is the run queue, not a running process (i.e. no more files are compiled thereafter).


Ok, I understand. Thank you for your answer.

Is there may be a possibility to interrupt the run queue? It is not so funny to wait several seconds until CB has finished to display the errors, each time I try to re-build the project.

Thank you very much.

Best wishes,

Not without changing the source and recompiling. But that is technically possible. You get the process id from wxExecute, all you need to do is call wxThread's Kill function on that one.

I am not entirely sure if it is a good idea, though. Probably nothing happens in the case of a compiler, killing a process is generally a bad thing. I would rather wait a few seconds but be safe. For example, the SVN plugin explicitely prevents you from closing the window while a transaction is running unless you force-kill the process (if you are using CVS, this may corrupt your entire repository!).
Sure enough, the most likely thing to happen in the case of a compiler is nothing at all, the object files are overwritten next time anyway... but you never know.


Yes, I agree. Killing a process is never or quite a good idea and could bring to unexpected results and problems. Ok, I will wait some seconds then.

Thank you.

Best wishes,


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