Hello all
I was just wondering with regard to Code::Blocks make system. It seems to work excellently within the program, but I was wondering how to make use of Code::Blocks build system when it comes to building an executable for an RPM. There doesn't seem to be any command line parameters that can be passed to Code::Blocks to do a build WITHOUT opening the main batch build log window. Have I not looked hard enough?
Ideally, it would be good for Code::Blocks to run without a GUI being created.
This doesn't seem to be an issue for building Windows setup programs (just dump everything that has been built into a ZIP and use NSIS), nor for the Mac (dump your executable into an applicationname.app directory and send along some meta data), but for Linux RPM building, it would be helpful to be able to build a Code::Blocks workspace/project file using the command line (not under X) in order to bundle an RPM.
Is this possible? Would anyone appreciate this implementing? I did have a look at the build system source file a while back but have forgotten - is it entirely dependent on wxBase or does it require wx GUI components? If dependent on wxGUI components, it would kill the ability to run entirely on the command line.
BTW, I'm finding the Code::Blocks system to be excellent on GTK+ and Mac (especially given the confusing many-windowed nature of XCode). Keep up the good work!
Apologies if I have missed something obvious.