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Code blocks in 32bpp windows black screen

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Hi all, I m using code::blocks since one week wih VSToolkit 2003. I's nice but I face a very strange problem, mainly when expanding a tree item like a project or a class, my screen becomes entirely black for one or two seconds. It's generally followed by a refresh problem and a part of the screen stays gray.
It does NEVER happen if I hide the left panel with SHIFT-F2 or if I run in 16bpp or f I disable hardware acceleration.
I believe this is wxwidget related. I know my problem is specific, but if there is a way to use sort of other video mode, I would be interested.

nVidia desktop manager by any chance?

I have it but haven't found anything that could help! I just set up my mind and now work in 16bpp.

Since you have a fullscreen blackout (Code::Blocks cannot access the entire screen on its own), I suggested it might be that. Try what happens if you turn off Desktop Manager.

Having nVidia Desktop Manager enabled causes all kinds of weird things on my machine (which is otherwise perfectly stable and reliable).
For example, windows open on the wrong display or in ridiculous sizes (~ 100x40), or applications which I certainly never maximise start maximised (or vice versa). To make it more confusing, this happens with some applications (Explorer, Firefox, Gaim, Code::Blocks, Tortoise) but not with all (for example Word, Blender, Thunderbird, and Inkscape are always good). And it is not reproducable either - on some days, it works!
Given the small benefits offered by Desktop Manager and the big inconveniences, I have it always disabled now, and see no problems any more.

It didn't work!
I found some rare forumer talking about similar problem with nvidia geforce mx video card, but no solution.
Thanks anyway


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