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How to use GDB on Windows XP?

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I've downloaded GDB but I can't get it to work. As usual with stuff coming from the Linux world, lots of files and directories with cryptic names. No exe file and no documentation on how to get it to work in Windows. Will someone please help me to get this damned thing to work?

Why not download the version of CB with GDB in it??


no exe file??? Are you sure?

I think you downloaded the SOURCE CODE for gdb! Or if it's a "tar.gz" file, you need a tar-extracting utility to do the installation.

It was a tar.gz file. Seems like it was just the source code. I downloaded a windows version with a .exe file, but now I have another problem. When I try to debug, I get an error message that the debugger executable isn't set, while I definitely did set it in the compiler settings. "Debugger: gdb.exe". I use the Borland C++ 5.5 compiler. Can this compiler be used together with GDB?

eh no, GDB can only debug GCC compiled files. At lesat nobody we know has tried to do that.


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