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Official Code::Blocks 1.0 Roadmap

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--- Quote from: grunerite on December 31, 2005, 07:35:17 am ---What is the status of running on OSX? Is it planned, anyone done it yet?

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I don't know if it's planned, I for one will really like to see this port in a future.
The only problem is that there aren't people using OSX. So it's a matter of lack of Apples :)

BTW, I'm pretty sure that if someone donates a Mac to Yiannis it'll be supported in a few weeks :D

Let's see what happens with OS X running on x86. That could bring a few testers :wink:

So far, probably the only real problem of the port are the 3rd party libs used in C::B which aren't ported to Mac OS X yet.

What exactly is used in Code::Blocks that should prevent it from compiling on OS X?


--- Quote from: thomas on December 31, 2005, 08:18:44 pm ---What exactly is used in Code::Blocks that should prevent it from compiling on OS X?

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The loading of the plugins need to be updated so that is supports the OS X naming convention for dynamic libraries.  I also think you have to pass different options to GCC on OS X in order to build dynamic libraries.  If anyone has the ogre source lieing around they can take a look.  It would also probably be best to build an Xcode 2 project file for OS X because you can be more sure of its existence than the proper autotools.


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