Author Topic: I would like to read all the template arguments  (Read 7712 times)

Offline ollydbg

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I would like to read all the template arguments
« on: July 06, 2010, 04:06:10 am »
Currently, the CC doesn't support dealing with template.
So, what I want is (three steps):
Step One, read the information about template argument list
Step Two, store these information to each Token
Step Three, use them when doing codecompletion.

Here is what I would like to do in the first step:
There is a function named "SkipAngleBraces" in the Parserthread class. So, it can be used to read the template argument, I just change it to like:
wxString ParserThread::SkipAngleBraces()
    // need to force the tokenizer _not_ skip anything
    // or else default values for template params would cause us to miss everything (because of the '=' symbol)
    TokenizerState oldState = m_Tokenizer.GetState();
    wxString arg;

    int nestLvl = 0;
    // NOTE: only exit this loop with 'break' so the tokenizer's state can
    // be reset afterwards (i.e. don't use 'return')
    while (!TestDestroy())
        wxString tmp = m_Tokenizer.GetToken();
        if (tmp==ParserConsts::lt)
        else if (tmp==ParserConsts::gt)
        else if (tmp==ParserConsts::semicolon)
            // unget token - leave ; on the stack
        else if (tmp.IsEmpty())

        if (nestLvl <= 0)
            TRACE( _T("SkipAngleBraces() : file(%s) line(%d) %s"), m_Filename.wx_str(),m_Tokenizer.GetLineNumber(),arg.wx_str());


    // reset tokenizer's functionality
    return arg;

So, you can see, if we find a match of "<" and ">", we can return the whole string of <xxxx yyyyy zzzz...>, this string seems to be the correct template arguments.

The next step is to read the class ancestor string list, for example, see the sample code:
template <typename a, typename b>
class AAA
    a m_a;
    b m_b;

template <typename a, typename b>
ccc<x,y>  BBB(a in_a, b in_b)
    a m_a;
    b m_b;

class CCC: public AAA<int,float>

look at the class CCC, you can see, when we first find a "colon", we know that the next string are ancestor strings.

Currently, this is done in the void ParserThread::HandleClass(EClassType ct)


if (next==ParserConsts::colon) // has ancestor(s)
                TRACE(_T("HandleClass() : Class '%s' has ancestors"), current.wx_str());
                m_Tokenizer.GetToken(); // eat ":"
                while (!TestDestroy())
                    wxString tmp = GetClassFromMacro(m_Tokenizer.GetToken());
                    next = m_Tokenizer.PeekToken();
                    if (tmp==ParserConsts::kw_public ||
                        tmp==ParserConsts::kw_protected ||
                    if (!(tmp==ParserConsts::comma || tmp==ParserConsts::gt))
                        // fix for namespace usage in ancestors
                        if (tmp==ParserConsts::dcolon || next==ParserConsts::dcolon)
                            ancestors << tmp;
                            ancestors << tmp << _T(',');
                        TRACE(_T("HandleClass() : Adding ancestor ") + tmp);

                    if (next.IsEmpty() ||
                        next==ParserConsts::opbrace ||
                    else if (next==ParserConsts::lt)
                        // template class
                        //m_Tokenizer.GetToken(); // reach "<"
                        // must not "eat" the token,
                        // SkipAngleBraces() will do it to see what it must match
                        wxString arg = SkipAngleBraces();
                        // also need to 'unget' the last token (>)
                        // so next iteration will see the { or ; in 'next'
                TRACE(_T("HandleClass() : Ancestors: ") + ancestors);

the code is try to read the whole ancestor strings, but is was not fully correct, so I need more time to fix.

I'm concerning another issue:

When all the "template arguments" was correctly parsed, How can we use this information in the Step Three??
If some piece of memory should be reused, turn them to variables (or const variables).
If some piece of operations should be reused, turn them to functions.
If they happened together, then turn them to classes.

Offline blueshake

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Re: I would like to read all the template arguments
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2010, 04:55:18 am »
simple template codecompletion has been supported now.

test codes:
template <typename T1>

class tm1
    T1 tm1_xx;
    T1 tm1_yy;
class cls1
    int cls1_xx;
    int cls1_yy;
/**class cls2
    int cls2_xx;
    int cls2_yy;
tm1<cls1> tt;

see the picture.
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Offline ollydbg

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Re: I would like to read all the template arguments
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2010, 05:10:34 am »
Nice work!!!
If some piece of memory should be reused, turn them to variables (or const variables).
If some piece of operations should be reused, turn them to functions.
If they happened together, then turn them to classes.

Offline ollydbg

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Re: I would like to read all the template arguments
« Reply #3 on: July 30, 2010, 03:13:47 am »
Good news, blueshake and I was done on some template handling, see the test code:

class MyClass
    int m_x;
    int m_y;

template <typename T1>
class MyTemplate
    T1 m_xx;
    T1 m_yy;
    T1 Function(int aaa);
    T1* operator->() const throw()
         return ;

// a class object
MyTemplate<MyClass> a;

// a function
MyTemplate<MyClass> GlobalFunction(int bbb){};

// works here!!


and the result, we are handling the overloaded operator -> function.  :D

we are doing more testing.....
If some piece of memory should be reused, turn them to variables (or const variables).
If some piece of operations should be reused, turn them to functions.
If they happened together, then turn them to classes.