I use codesourcery Toolchain (Sourcery G++ Lite 2009q3-68), openocd 0.1.0 to communicate with my cpu, codeblock (build: nov 11 2009,21:57:12 - wx2.8.10(windows, unicode) and windows XP
I configure the gdb remote menu with localhost:4444...
The Debug output return only :
Building to ensure sources are up-to-date
Build succeeded
Selecting target:
Adding source dir: D:\work\soft_v2\trunk\obj
Adding source dir: D:\work\soft_v2\trunk\src
Adding source dir: D:\work\soft_v2\trunk\out
Adding source dir: D:\work\soft_v2\trunk\make
Adding source dir: D:\work\soft_v2\trunk\
Adding source dir: D:\work\soft_v2\trunk\
I don't know why the debugger don't start...
Thank you