Hello there ! (again..)
I'm using a zy1000 remote debugger appliance with an embedded openOCD system through which I have to connect using GDB.
So, I set up my target for debug filling requested infos in Remote Connection tab with TCP, IP Address and Port.
But C::B hangs when entering debug mode with the following in Debug Tab:
Selecting target:
Adding source dir: F:\C2\PROJETS\AL22\LIB\peg\
Adding source dir: F:\C2\PROJETS\AL22\LIB\peg\
Adding source dir: F:\C2\PROJETS\AL22\APPLI\SI
I supplied this script in Additional Commands tab (before connection)
# File to flash
file F:/C2/PROJETS/AL22/refsys/rtose/mx27/obj/rtose_debug/AL22_V1.elf
# Connect to GDB Server
target remote
set mem inaccessible-by-default off
monitor gdb memory map disable
monitor reset init
monitor halt
monitor reg pc 0xa0200000
..wherein I tell GDB to connect to the appliance.
I successfully got connected to the zy1000 through gdb (using arm-elf-gdb.exe with 'target remote ip:port') and passed commands through it, but I can't find out why C::B just does not connect.
Any idea ??
Thanks again