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problem of lwxmsw

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hi, I copied the "hello world" of wxwidgets from the web to C::B to compile, the message says "cannot find -lwxmsw", I would like to know the reason of this and what can I do about it,
cause I think the wxwidgets in the C::B I am using is a bit old.

Use -lwxmsw242 or -lwxmsw260 (or whatever matches the version you have).

But that would make it a DLL version. Anyway, you need to compile wxwidgets into making a non-DLL lib, this one will be the libwxmsw.a you're looking for.

Static linkage to wxWidgets gives a ~1MB HelloWorld application...  (gulp)

That's why the new templates have statically or dynamially linked wxWidgets so you can choose :) And Visual Basic programs are around 1MB too.  So it's not that bad.


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