The new Release 20.03 is out! You can download binaries for Windows and many major Linux distros here .
wxString NativeParser::GetCCToken(wxString& line, ParserTokenType& tokenType){ // line contains a string on the following form: // " char* mychar = SomeNamespace::m_SomeVar.SomeMeth" // first we locate the first non-space char starting from the *end*: // // " char* mychar = SomeNamespace::m_SomeVar.SomeMeth" // ^ // then we remove everything before it. // after it, what we do here, is (by this example) return "SomeNamespace" // *and* modify line to become: // m_SomeVar.SomeMeth // so that if we 're called again with the (modified) line, // we 'll return "m_SomeVar" and modify line (again) to become: // SomeMeth // and so on and so forth until we return an empty string... // NOTE: if we find () args or [] arrays in our way, we skip them (done in GetNextCCToken)...
@ollydbg would you agree to apply the second patch?