Author Topic: QT4 project wizard on Linux  (Read 3506 times)


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QT4 project wizard on Linux
« on: May 21, 2009, 02:13:51 am »
Hi all!

One question about using qt4 wizard.
I trying to create qt4 project. The wizard asking me for qt4 installation path. He expects my qt4 installation looking like this: main QT4 directory and included subdirectories for libs, includes, binaries e.t.c.
For example:
libraries: /usr/lib/qt4/lib
include: /usr/lib/qt4/include
binaries: /usr/lib/qt4/bin

But my Qt4.5.1 main parts not located in the single main Qt4 directory and they are located like this:
libraries: /usr/lib
include: /usr/lib/qt4/include
binaries: /usr/lib/qt4/bin

If I select /usr/lib as installation directory wizard can't locate includes and binaries.
If I select /usr/lib/qt4 as installation directory wizard can't locate libraries.

Both the codeblocks8.0.2 and the qt4.5.1 was installed from rpms with default options.

How can I fix this problem?



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Re: QT4 project wizard on Linux
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2009, 05:38:37 pm »
I'm using Ubuntu and had a similar problem. Try using the directory /usr/share/qt4
there should be links to the folders not actually located there