Author Topic: Solution for SDCC in the Code::Blocks  (Read 9386 times)

Offline crudo

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Solution for SDCC in the Code::Blocks
« on: April 18, 2008, 11:11:02 pm »
After hours and days surfing by the internet searching one solution for this case (SDCC under Code::Blocks) I don't got nothing really useful. So, I did that.

I did a new template for the SDCC and built one program that "fix" the command line sent by the Code::Blocks to SDCC. Below is the link for download the zip package. In the zip pack there is a ReadMe.txt, PLEASE read it before of do all thing! For prevent "problems" I put the source code of the program. So, you don't need execute my program, you can open the source code, see it, change it and built your own program. (Does this only if you mistrust...  :?)

Link's to zip package: (Updated 16/06/09)

PLEASE read the ReadMe.txt

I hope that be useful for anybody!

Enjoy!  :D

Any doubt, contact me:

Ricardo Crudo.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2009, 06:25:06 pm by crudo »

Offline davemaster

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Re: Solution for SDCC in the Code::Blocks
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2009, 07:02:35 am »

the file in link is not more available in mediafire...

Can you please post a new one again...?

David Elias Flores Escalante