Hi all .
First of all, i am not sure if this is the rightly forum so please sorry if not.
The question is: I am developing an application for an embedded system running debian etch over a powerpc. My pc runs debian etch also and i use codeblocks. Well, when i do remote debugging and try to watch a std::string programs start to receive SIGSEGV signals and evetually an SIGABRT.
At first i thought it was because i havent libstdc++-dbg pakage instaled but i have installed it ( both the "normal" and the cross ) and nothing changes.
Any help would be very appreciated!
S.O: debian etch
Codeblocks: svn5456
gcc 4.1.2
gdb 6.4.90
gdbserver 6.8
libstdc++6 4.1.21