Looks interesting, that one (though the site showed me a 404, but google had it cached). Wonder how hard it is to incorporate, as it seems you need to modify your wxApp and it uses a lot of custom stuff, too. Do you have experience using it?
On a different thought, it would be great if this could be wrapped into a plugin instead. Then it should not be too hard to do it without changing anything to the main program.
If only I knew how to get keyboard events from inside a plugin... EVT_KEY_DOWN and EVT_CHAR don't do.
Plugins have access to the menu bar, so one could read out the elements, their titles and their repective message IDs, display the titles in a list and have the user assign keys to them. Save that in a std::map, and when a key event comes in, post a menu event instead.
Sounds easy enough, except I have no clue how to get to a key event when the message is not handed down.