Humm, I know the .h files are in the project correctly, else none of my code would compile at all or build. Unfortunately, I can not post my project because it is "sensitive" to my company's growth. But I can give screen shots of my set up. Here they are. If I have incorrectly setup the header info - or anything else - please, let me know. I'll change what I'm doing ASAP. Thanks so much for the help. It is MuCH appreciated!
I have nothing in "Custom Variables". The Screen shots I've included are of my compiler setup as well as my project setup. Also, it is good to know, my "Headers" are all "summed up" in ONE header that is included in all of my .cpp files. Another words, in my cpp's, I include only one header, which includes all of the other headers needed by all the source code files. Is that a problem?
(This is going to be hard. I have a Lot of screen shots but can only post - it seems - one at a time.
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