possible difference in wxwidgets msw/*nix wxString::Printf("%p")?
Note that OllyDbg's disassembly lines have (instruction line location) hex addresses without leading 'x' or 0x. (As do mine.)
The routine void cbDisassemblyDlg::AddAssemblerLine(unsigned long int addr, const wxString& line)
contains lines:
wxString fmt;
fmt.Printf(_T("%p\t%s\n"), (void*)addr, line.c_str());
The routine (just beneath previous one) void cbDisassemblyDlg::SetActiveAddress(unsigned long int addr)
contains lines:
wxString str = m_pCode->GetLine(i).AfterFirst(_T('x')).BeforeFirst(_T('\t'));
unsigned long int lineaddr;
if (str.ToULong(&lineaddr, 16) && lineaddr >= addr)
When I traced, it appeared that 'str' was either empty, or returning some random portion of the instruction line.
I'm guessing the *nix disassembly does have an 'x' immediately preceding the disassembly addresses resulting from %p, while the MSW disassembly (at least mine and OllyDbg's) does not have any such 'x'...