I found in the launcher.cpp, there is a function called "bool isCodeblocksRunning()" to avoid running two instances of the portable c::b. what's the purpose of this?
This function only detects if CB is already running. It is NOT used to prevent starting multiple instances of codeblocks. That last is controlled, as you say, by Codeblocks itself.
isCodeblocksRunning() is called elsewhere in the launcher to avoid multiple attempts at loading the same programmer fonts into the system.
Most users run CB in single-instance mode which is the default, so this area of the launcher is not as thoroughly tested as the rest.
Is this piece of code causing any trouble?
I just do a flesh install (unzip the nightly build 7075 and cb portable launcher 1.0).
1, When first run the cb launcher, I uncheck both the "allow only one running instance" and "use an already running instance".Then I close the cb.
2, I run the cb launcher again. then I try to run another instance of cb launcher, but nothing happened. so, I guess the second c::b does not start correctly or was abort.
If I use an old version of portable launcher, e.g.
CbLauncher_0.1.5.zip, then I can start two instances of c::b.
So, I think there are some bugs in this version:
CbLauncher_1.0.zipCan someone test it?