I have read your blog article, and I have two binary package in my system. One is nightly build version, the other is the version I build from the svn.
To let the two version work separately, I follow the wiki page:
http://wiki.codeblocks.org/index.php?title=FAQ#Q:_How_do_I_make_Code::Blocks_portable.3FBut as you said, some plug-in setting can't be work in full portable mode.

I download your binary package and unpack to my nightly build folder which is located in D:\program files\code blocks.
Then I just run CbLauncher.exe, it will create an empty folder in
D:\Program Files\CodeBlocks\AppData\codeblocks
And even I close C::B, no setting files were saved in these folders. This is a little strange.

. Should I need to clear the setting file in:
"C:\Documents and Settings\[your_user_name]\Application Data\codeblocks"?
By the way, I suggest when the portable version was running, the console window should be closed.
And another issue it the about dialog shows that it is SVN 0.

See the screen shot.
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