i did download a translation file for german
i did install it to the locale folder and selected it in C::B
it did work c::b was in german
but somehow my custom syntax highlight settings were broken after this

i had a black background and white forderground in bat and c files definied in syntax high lighter
but after all was german the black background was gone!
it did still show the same settings in the options but not in the editor
i thoght something with the settings is broken so i did try to set the black background again ( i did set to a other color and then set again to black)
but still the background was white
so i did disable the localisation in the enviroment settings and like magic the background was black again
so somehow when i use german translation i cant set or use a black background in the editor
but if i disable localisation it works like a charm
so i guess something with the german translation is not well!
they say its 100% translated and it looks also so... but it is eating my black background in the editor somehow

so now i use again in english
i guess as long i like black background i cant use a german translation

and because of that i dont beleave that it is 100% ready for use

maybe someone here can use this feedback(?)
and maybe fix this (how ever)

i did download the mo and te other file and in the enviroment settings i only see german ... i dont know which file i use ... i guess its the mo file