I wanted to update my French version of Code::Blocks, but I have several problems :
1) pot file on launchpad site is too old and does not reflect actual code status. I've heard an update will be done with 8.02 version, but apparently it has not been done.
2) pot files on svn trunk are also outdated.
3) I thought I could use extract.bat and extract.bash files from svn, but this last one use a -P option in grep. My grep does not support this (I'm on windows xp with mingw32 4.2.1 tools, msys...). I'm able to do this in 2 times, first on .cpp files only and secondly on .h files only (but adding grep filters to avoid files containing svn-base or html in their names).
4) Some items or labels are now placed in .xrc files (for example in project_menu_import.xrc). Apparently, xgettext does not recognize those files and I don't know if it's possible to use it to extract those item and put them in a .pot file. I tried, but without success.
5) finally, if I want to use my .mo file on an other computer running Linux, I have not found where to put it. I tried in /usr/share/codeblock/locale as proposed earlier by Ganbito. It worked with Redhat 5, but administrators have been obliged to downgrade in Redhat 4.7 for compatibilies reasons with other sofwares. If I put my codeblocks.mo as previously in that folder, it does not work, and others places suggested by Ganbito does not work too. So, where is supposed to be placed this file in linux ? Depends of the distribution, the version ? Not clear for me.