I have opened a new launchpad page to share C::B translations :
The specific translation page is
https://translations.launchpad.net/codeblocks-gd : choose "View All languages", at the bottom, right.
I have imported in that page the translations found on the old web page for the most used languages (currently 14 languages). On request, I can add new languages (but translators will have a little bit more work !). Sorry for that, but original translators names have been lost in many cases

Of course, French language has the most translated strings. It has been updated for svn 11764 version and contain translation work done until now.
For Russian language, I have also found a quite recent page but not up to date. Many translations need to be approved, but I'm not the right guy to do that ! (I learned Russian language at school, but this was a long time ago

The launchpad page is opened as "structured". So you should be able to propose new translations. In some cases, they should be approved by somebody before publication.
It's certainly possible to add approbators but I still does not know how to do.
I'll try to maintain the "template" when new English strings will be available.
You (translators) should be able to participate. You need to have a launchpad (Ubuntu) account.
Other users can request a download for the .po ou .mo file. It's this last one (.mo file), the binary form, that you can use for using C::B in your own language : simply put it in your "codeblocks installation directory"/share/CodeBlocks/locale/"language string" (for me, on Windows, it's C:\Program Files\CodeBlocks_wx312_64\share\CodeBlocks\locale\fr_FR). Then in the menu Settings/Environment.../View you should be able to choose the language.
It's also certainly possible to add somebody to update the "template". If there is a volonteer ...

(who knows how to add his name at the right place
