Small problem to extract strings to be translated in C::B sources :
in ...\CodeBlocks_src\src\plugins\codecompletion\testing\ there is a file named cc_type_with attributes.cpp
The problem I have is that there is a space character in its name (between "with" and "attributes") and this space is considered as a separator for many unix like utilities, so the name is truncated and it makes an error in my string extraction tool.

I have slighly modified my string extraction tool to eliminate this file in the search process, but it could be nice

if this space character could be replaced by a _ as in many other file names.
As usual, updates to the .pot file extracted from
svn 11558 are
Translation in French, also updated from
svn 11558 in the .po and .mo file is
These files may be used with
C::B 17.12.
See previous posts for other informations.
And I wish you an happy new C::B year ... 