Dear peoples,
my name is Wagner de Queiroz and I talk from Brazil, I finish today at lanchpad website the translation of the Code::Blocks to Brazillian Portuguese and put some translations to Portuguese too, (but I have no hope if the portuguese version are ok, but I try).
So, I'm happy to finish the Brazillian translation, Its a little complicated to put the Code::Blocks at Brazillian Portuguese at Ubuntu 12.04 but reading post by jens Now I'm happy again.
To put the .mo file at code::Blocks, I create some folders and put my .mo file at:
The folder locale and pt_BR doesn't exist and you have be the root user to play there.
I put the translation .mo file (downloaded from launchpad website) here:
and open the Code::Blocks, but A lot of messages is not translated, but at launchpad website I translated all string, strange...
At Launchpad we have 2137 lines of translations. Anyone have more lines to put at launchpad website?