Author Topic: adding seperate libraries to your project  (Read 5131 times)


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adding seperate libraries to your project
« on: January 31, 2009, 03:16:18 am »
Hi, i have a rather large project that consist of a core an many plugins. I usually stick to makefiles because i actually understand whats going on, but i have a number of people using windows interested in developing and they cant get their heads around doing anything from the command line, so i want to make a codeblocks project for them. right now i have a project consisting of the core. is there a nice way to add the plugins to the project so that they are all built at once along with the core, or will i have to make a separate project for each one.

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Re: adding seperate libraries to your project
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2009, 12:02:33 pm »
or will i have to make a separate project for each one.
There are several possibilities.
A workspace can consist of 1..n projects. A project can consist of 1..n targets.
So here are three options:
1.) Create a workspace that consists of a core project and 1..n plugin projects
2.) Create a project that consists of a core target and 1..n plugin targets
3.) Create a workspace that consists of a core project and a plugin project with 1..n plugin targets
In either way you can setup dependencies between projects and/or order of targets control the way (order) they are being compiled.
Compiler logging: Settings->Compiler & Debugger->tab "Other"->Compiler logging="Full command line"
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