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Probably a bug in Project build options -> Custom variables


i add following variables to my project:

--- Quote ---            <Variable name="normal" value="/nodefaultlib /incremental:no /entry:"Main" /map /mapinfo:LINES /opt:ref /opt:nowin98 /fixed /filealign:32 /force:MULTIPLE /merge:.data1=.text / /merge:.rdata=.text /merge:.CRT=.text /merge:.text=.p7 /section:.p7,rwx /ignore:4078"/>
            <Variable name="dropperV2" value="/nodefaultlib /entry:"Main" /map /mapinfo:LINES /force:MULTIPLE /fixed:no /merge:.data1=.text / /merge:.rdata=.text /merge:.CRT=.text /merge:.text=.p7 /section:.p7,rwx /ignore:4078 /opt:nowin98"/>
            <Variable name="dropper_run" value="dropper.cmd"/>
            <Variable name="kompresuj" value="kompresuj.cmd"/>
            <Variable name="mapcrunch" value="map_crunch.cmd"/>

--- End quote ---
I closed C::B, and run it again and then C::B can't load my project again. If i remove following lines from *.cbp file then everything is OK.
Could you try to reproduce this behavior? I think the value lines are too long, but when i write it in custom variables edit box i haven't any error messages.

It's probably the quotes you 're using in some places, like
--- Code: ---/entry:"Main"
--- End code ---
Try removing or escaping them. If none of these work, please submit a bug report.



--- Quote from: mandrav on August 19, 2005, 11:09:02 pm ---It's probably the quotes you're using in some places, like
--- Code: ---/entry:"Main"
--- End code ---

--- End quote ---
You are right. Escaping quotes doesn't help, it works only when removing quotes.

It is a bug then. The storing of the variables should convert those to &quot; .


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