User forums > Using Code::Blocks

Showing relative path for files in build messages


Long time programmer, first time user. Really impressed by the maturity and simplicity of the experience so far. Kudos.

I have so few complaints, that my first is a visual one:

In the "Build messages" tab, the File and Line columns take up far too much horizontal space, leaving not much for the meaty Message column. Are any of the following improvements possible?

* Reduce the file path to just the path relative to the project root.
* Align the text in the column to the right so only the last (most important) part of the path is visible if the column is too thin.
* Combine the "Line" column with the "File" column, eg: file.c:123.

Do you know about the build log tab?

Tim S.


--- Quote from: stahta01 on April 28, 2019, 01:39:20 am ---Do you know about the build log tab?

--- End quote ---

Yes. It's as I've come to expect and want from dozens of IDEs - the raw log from which a table of parsed messages is generated. Perhaps I'm missing something though - does it help?

In the meantime I've stumbled upon a bit of a workaround - if all the columns are "big enough", giving just enough to the File and Line columns and more than enough to the Message column, such that the total width of the columns is more than can fit in the window, a horizontal scroll bar appears. The scroll bar can be positioned to only show the "most important" part of the path is visible. Importantly, this scroll position appears to stick between builds and selections. This is not the method I was expecting, but ends up really close to what I was after.

It could be implemented, but it is not...


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