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wxAuiManager preview issue under wxSmith cause C::B can't exit correctly

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I found a very annoying issue. Here are steps to reproduce:
1, open C::B
2, create a simple wxWidgets app with the wizard(choose wxFrame based, wxSmith as the GUI designer)
3, add a wxAuiManager to the main Frame
4, save all
5, close C::B

The result is: I see the codeblocks.exe process is still in the Windows task manager(its memory size is about 35M to 40M), I have to kill this process.

Note, if you don't have wxAuiManager object in the wxFrame, you don't have such issue.

I have tested this steps under:
1, 32bit official C::B 17.12 under Win7(64bit), which is wx2.8.12 based.
2, 32bit C::B trunk build myself with wx3.12, gcc 7.2.
Both have such issue.

I try to debug this issue, but it looks like the process hang issue after the function call: void MainFrame::OnApplicationClose(wxCloseEvent& event), so it is hard to debug. Also, since C::B is halt (it stalls inside the Win32 wait object functions), I don't have a call stack here.

This issue firstly happens in a complex wxsmith project, but I just reduce the wxsmith and finally see that a single wxAuiManager object in wxsmith will cause this issue.

This issue is not related to code generation, because I event don't need to build the cbp project, just open the wxsmith gui designer(the preview window) will cause this issue.

Any ideas?

1. Does reverting rev11530 changes anything?
2. Have you tried to reproduce the problem in some wx sample?
3. Have you tried with a debug wx build?

Could it be this:

--- Quote ---2) AuiManager::UnInit() has to be added to the destructor of the window code
--- End quote ---
in the destructor of the preview?


--- Quote from: BlueHazzard on February 11, 2019, 10:38:30 pm ---Could it be this:

--- Quote ---2) AuiManager::UnInit() has to be added to the destructor of the window code
--- End quote ---
in the destructor of the preview?

--- End quote ---

There is a UnInit() function call in the preview wxAuiManager derived object: in file: src\plugins\contrib\wxSmithAui\wxAuiManager\wxSmithAuiManager.h

--- Code: ---#ifndef WXSMITHAUIMANAGER_H

#include <wx/aui/aui.h>
#include <wx/wx.h>
#include <wx/event.h>

#include <prep.h>

class wxSmithAuiManager : public wxAuiManager
        wxSmithAuiManager(wxWindow* managed_wnd = NULL, unsigned int flags = wxAUI_MGR_DEFAULT)
            : wxAuiManager(managed_wnd, flags)

        virtual ~wxSmithAuiManager() {}

        void OnDestroy(cb_unused wxWindowDestroyEvent& event)


--- End code ---

So, it will be called when the preview window closed?


--- Quote from: oBFusCATed on February 11, 2019, 06:40:35 pm ---1. Does reverting rev11530 changes anything?
--- End quote ---
I'm not sure, but mostly I think it is not related to this commit.

--- Quote ---SHA-1: 28734b8204bff66d8a9d6b8e7bb2f4eb8ad83561

* * batch build: Fix segmentation fault after batch build (ticket #738)

> The problem happens because there is a Manager::Yield() in
  MainFrame::OnApplicationClose. This call to yield makes wxWidgets execute
  all events in its event queue and unfortunately there are events related
  to delayed destruction of the current window which get executed at a bad
> If I remove the Yield call the bug goes away. Not sure what would break
  by this change, but we'll probably see.
> I've tested if the APP_SHUTDOWN event is still sent and received. I found
  no problems with this.

git-svn-id: 2a5c6006-c6dd-42ca-98ab-0921f2732cef

--- End quote ---
But the issue happens in official C::B 17.12 version(r11256), which is long before commit r11530.

--- Quote ---2. Have you tried to reproduce the problem in some wx sample?
--- End quote ---
The issue happens in preview of the wxSmith, the generated executable by C::B doesn't have such issue.

--- Quote ---3. Have you tried with a debug wx build?

--- End quote ---
Note tried yet, building wx3.12 under gcc 7.2 is quite slow, will take some time to try it.


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