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I see in the documentation for wxStaticBitmap in the wxWidgets Manual that there are operating systems where this can only be used for 64x64 pixel icons. It is a much larger image I seek to display. So to avoid potential trouble I seek to use wxGenericStaticBitmap as is recommended in that documentation. In Code::Blocks I see in the Standard tab the icon for wxStaticBitmap. I am not able to find a similar icon for wxGenericStaticBitmap in any of the tabs.

What is the best way to get wxGenericStaticBitmap on a form?

Will this have to be manually coded?

There is button for custom controls. It could be used for controls we've not added to wxsmith. Otherwise you could try to add this control to the plugin and provide a patch.

I found a custom icon with the silhouette of a head, and a question mark on its chest. When I drag into the wxStaticBoxSizer I see a dark field with three question marks in it.

I would very much appreciate links to any information on how to use this.

You insert this custom control. Then you set the "class name" property from the left side to your class (wxStaticBitmap).  Then you can use this element like a normal wxSmith element. You can search for youtube videos how to use them...

I inserted the custom control. But instead of setting the "Class name" property to wxStaticBitmap I set it to wxGenericStaticBitmap as the use of this class is the reason for the custom control. The "Var name" property was set to img_Schem_Cascode_Boost, and the Identifier property was set to ID_IMG_SCHEM_CASCODE_BOOST.

In the Code::Blocks generated code the compiler indicated an error line 91:

--- Code: ---TIAFrame::TIAFrame(wxWindow* parent,wxWindowID id)
     img_Schem_Cascode_Boost = new wxGenericStaticBitmap(Panel1,ID_IMG_SCHEM_CASCODE_BOOST,wxPoint(0,0),wxDefaultSize,0,wxDefaultValidator,_T("ID_IMG_SCHEM_CASCODE_BOOST"));  // Line 91

--- End code ---

The errors:

--- Quote ---||=== Build: Debug in TIA (compiler: GNU GCC Compiler) ===|
C:\Engineering Software\TIA\TIAMain.cpp||In constructor 'TIAFrame::TIAFrame(wxWindow*, wxWindowID)':|
C:\Engineering Software\TIA\TIAMain.cpp|91|error: no matching function for call to 'wxGenericStaticBitmap::wxGenericStaticBitmap(wxPanel*&, const long int&, wxPoint, const wxSize&, int, const wxValidator&, const wchar_t [27])'|
C:\Engineering Software\TIA\TIAMain.cpp|91|note: candidates are:|
C:\wxWidgets-3.0.3\include\wx\generic\statbmpg.h|19|note: wxGenericStaticBitmap::wxGenericStaticBitmap(wxWindow*, wxWindowID, const wxBitmap&, const wxPoint&, const wxSize&, long int, const wxString&)|
C:\wxWidgets-3.0.3\include\wx\generic\statbmpg.h|19|note:   no known conversion for argument 3 from 'wxPoint' to 'const wxBitmap&'|
C:\wxWidgets-3.0.3\include\wx\generic\statbmpg.h|18|note: wxGenericStaticBitmap::wxGenericStaticBitmap()|
C:\wxWidgets-3.0.3\include\wx\generic\statbmpg.h|18|note:   candidate expects 0 arguments, 7 provided|
C:\wxWidgets-3.0.3\include\wx\generic\statbmpg.h|15|note: wxGenericStaticBitmap::wxGenericStaticBitmap(const wxGenericStaticBitmap&)|
C:\wxWidgets-3.0.3\include\wx\generic\statbmpg.h|15|note:   candidate expects 1 argument, 7 provided|
||=== Build failed: 1 error(s), 0 warning(s) (0 minute(s), 0 second(s)) ===|

--- End quote ---

Missing in the Code::Blocks created constructor call in that line 91's instantiation is a parameter of type wxBitmap. Is this a bug in Code::Blocks? What can be done get this working?

I know how to create a wxBitmap type object and I have written the code to create it to pass to wxGenericStaticBitmap::SetBitmap()  .


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