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C::B svn 11029 compiles but not 11030

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My last svn compilation was OK (svn 11029) but when I tried to update to 11033 I had problems. After some tests, it looks that the problem comes with svn 11030.
The problem appears when compiling codeblocks.exe.

--- Code: ----------------- Générer : src dans Code::Blocks wx2.8.x (compilateur : GNU GCC Compiler)---------------

mingw32-g++.exe -Lbase\tinyxml -LC:\wxWidgets-2.8.12\lib\gcc_dll -Ldevel -Lexchndl\win32\lib -o devel\codeblocks.exe .objs\src\app.o .objs\src\appglobals.o .objs\src\associations.o .objs\src\backtracedlg.o .objs\src\breakpointsdlg.o .objs\src\compilersettingsdlg.o .objs\src\cpuregistersdlg.o .objs\src\crashhandler.o .objs\src\debugger_interface_creator.o .objs\src\debuggermenu.o .objs\src\debuggersettingscommonpanel.o .objs\src\debuggersettingsdlg.o .objs\src\debuggersettingspanel.o .objs\src\disassemblydlg.o .objs\src\dlgabout.o .objs\src\dlgaboutplugin.o .objs\src\editkeywordsdlg.o .objs\src\editorconfigurationdlg.o .objs\src\environmentsettingsdlg.o .objs\src\examinememorydlg.o .objs\src\find_replace.o .objs\src\goto_file.o .objs\src\infopane.o .objs\src\main.o .objs\src\notebookstyles.o .objs\src\printdlg.o .objs\src\projectdepsdlg.o .objs\src\projectmanagerui.o .objs\src\projectoptionsdlg.o .objs\src\recentitemslist.o .objs\src\scriptconsole.o .objs\src\scriptingsettingsdlg.o .objs\src\splashscreen.o .objs\src\startherepage.o .objs\src\switcherdlg.o .objs\src\threadsdlg.o .objs\src\virtualbuildtargetsdlg.o .objs\src\watchesdlg.o  .objs\src\resources\resources.res -Wl,--enable-auto-import -Wl,--no-undefined  -lcodeblocks -lwxpropgrid -lexchndl -lshfolder -lkernel32 -luser32 -lgdi32 -lcomdlg32 -lwinspool -lwinmm -lcomctl32 -lodbc32 -lole32 -loleaut32 -luuid -lrpcrt4 -ladvapi32 -lwsock32 -lwxmsw28u -mwindows
.objs\src\watchesdlg.o:watchesdlg.cpp:(.text+0x473): undefined reference to `wxString_wxPG_LABEL'
.objs\src\watchesdlg.o:watchesdlg.cpp:(.text+0x47a): undefined reference to `wxString_wxPG_LABEL'
.objs\src\watchesdlg.o:watchesdlg.cpp:(.text+0xcd2): undefined reference to `wxString_wxPG_LABEL'
.objs\src\watchesdlg.o:watchesdlg.cpp:(.text+0x2192): undefined reference to `wxString_wxPG_LABEL'
.objs\src\watchesdlg.o:watchesdlg.cpp:(.text+0x227f): undefined reference to `wxString_wxPG_LABEL'
.objs\src\watchesdlg.o:watchesdlg.cpp:(.text+0x4b4c): more undefined references to `wxString_wxPG_LABEL' follow
C:/MinGW32/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/4.9.2/../../../../mingw32/bin/ld.exe: .objs\src\watchesdlg.o: bad reloc address 0x4 in section `.data'
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Le processus s'est terminé avec le code d'état 1 (0 minute(s), 4 seconde(s))
7 erreur(s), 0 avertissement(s) (0 minute(s), 4 seconde(s))

--- End code ---

I'm on Windows 10. I compile with tdm mingw 4.9.2 (32 bits and also some tests in 64 bits). I use wxwidgets 2.8.12 compiled with the same compiler.
Apparently, something has changed and need wxString_wxPG_LABEL which was not used (?) before.

Is it a problem with my compiler version (I don't use tdm 5.1 because I have problems with gfortran 5.1) , my wxwidgets version ?
I reverted to 11029, recompiled totally to be sure, and it's OK with this version


Is this error happening after a full rebuild?

Miguel Gimenez:
Yes, and also happens with TDM5.1

Does nm work on windows? Can you run it on the wxpropgrid dll?
See the output for me on linux:

--- Code: ---> nm | grep LABEL
00000000002c3e2c B wxEVT_PG_LABEL_EDIT_BEGIN
00000000002c3e28 B wxEVT_PG_LABEL_EDIT_ENDING
00000000002c46b0 B wxString_wxPG_LABEL

--- End code ---

If nm doesn't work can you try dependency walker tool and see if there is this symbol in dll?

Miguel Gimenez:
It appears with a leading underscore

--- Code: ---C:\trunk\src\devel>nm wxpropgrid.dll | grep LABEL
6e4e651c B _wxString_wxPG_LABEL

--- End code ---


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