Author Topic: CB Projects for building CB on MacOSX  (Read 3593 times)


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CB Projects for building CB on MacOSX
« on: November 08, 2006, 06:21:02 pm »
Here is a second try to post the CB projects for MacOSX 10.4, after application of some feedback from the community.

1) The suggestion to set automatic prefix and extensions to "on" for the contrib plugin dynamic libraries was not successful, as this caused the plugins to get ".dylib" extensions, when it should be ".so". So this is disabled for the plugin projects.
2) The "update" scripts in the contrib/plugins codesnippets, lib_finder, and wxsmith is not coming in with executable (+x) permissions after svn checkout. A manual "chmod +x update" is required, or these projects does not build properly.

A slightly modified update script is included (update_mac).
A script to set proper installation names in the libraries suitable for a mac application bundle is included (installnames).
A script to make a mac application bundle ( is included (bundle).
All scripts should be executed from the src directory.

More feedback is appreciated and expected...

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« Last Edit: November 09, 2006, 02:12:38 pm by bnilsson »