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Code completion in 20.03 abbreviates found items



with C::B 20.03 I experience a very uncomfortable new behaviour of the code completion. In very many cases, the popup window with the suggestions is far too small and the found items are abbreviated to a very small number of characters (with an ellipse to show that the real items are longer).

This makes it impossible to find the right item in the list - they all look the same (particularly for register content defines of a microcontroller, where the first (say) 20 characters are exactly the same for very many defines).

I did not find any setting that might influence the width of the code completion popup.
How to fix?


Miguel Gimenez:
Go to Settings -> Editor -> Other editor settings and change Technology to Default

Thanks - but that setting is already "Default".
(I didn't change that, anyway...)

I found out that it's surely caused by some setting.

When C::B is "freshly" started without configuration file (default.conf), the code completion popup window is not limited in width, and its content is not abbreviated.

Does someone have any idea which setting(s) (or at least section(s)) could be relevant?
(I'd like to avoid using the fresh config file since then I'd need to configure all those compilers and settings again...)

Oh, forgot to mention: it's NOT in the sections "auto_complete" or "code_completion" - even deleting these completely doesn't change anything.

The size of that popup window must be set elsewhere, maybe implicitly...


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