Author Topic: The 19 september 2010 build (6608) CODECOMPLETION BRANCH version is out.  (Read 94925 times)

Offline killerbot

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Before you use a nightly make sure you understand how it works.

A link to the unicode windows wxWidget dll for Code::Blocks :

For those who might need this one (when no MingW installed on your system) : the mingw10m.dll :

The 19 September 2010 build is out.
  - Windows :
  - Linux :

Important changes compared to previous CODECOMPLETION BRANCH nightly:

* cc_branch: applied patch to imrpove nightly build (v2):
- make system header files code-completion configurable
- enhance performance by CC member variables
- fixed switch parser error
- add some debug log

* cc_branch: applied patch to fix a crash in batch parse (v8)
* cc_branch: applied patch to fix hangs in linux
* cc_branch: applied patch to redesign the one-by-one parser AND improve the protection of critical section
* cc_branch: applied patch to fix bug of scope selection failed in linux.
* cc_branch: applied patch to fix several possible crash candidates
* all updates that occurred on trunk


Give your feedback on this version only in this thread, don't mix it with the regular nightly please.

Once we don't have any blockers on this version,we will merge the changes into trunk and it will be part of the regular nightlies.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2010, 12:42:53 pm by killerbot »

Offline danteri

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Re: The 19 september 2010 build (6608) CODECOMPLETION BRANCH version is out.
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2010, 11:33:52 am »
link to file on top of page is to prev nightly release

pls update

Offline killerbot

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Re: The 19 september 2010 build (6608) CODECOMPLETION BRANCH version is out.
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2010, 12:43:09 pm »
thanks, fixed.

Offline ollydbg

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Re: The 19 september 2010 build (6608) CODECOMPLETION BRANCH version is out.
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2010, 12:55:12 pm »
Under windows, there is a bug can't fixed yet. (this bug seems does not happened under linux)

Steps to proudce it:

1, open the contribute. workspace
2, double click on a project
3, then double click on another project to active another project.
4, continue the step 3 about more then 10 times, then cb will crash.

Can some one help us or give a direction? thanks.

crash always happens to the code:


    if (   project
        && (type == ptCreateParser || type == ptAddFileToParser) )
        for (int i = 0; i < project->GetFilesCount(); ++i)
            ProjectFile* pf = project->GetFile(i);
            if (CCFileTypeOf(pf->relativeFilename) != ftOther)
                parser->MarkFileTokensAsLocal(pf->file.GetFullPath(), true, project);

the line:

parser->MarkFileTokensAsLocal(pf->file.GetFullPath(), true, project);


« Last Edit: September 19, 2010, 12:57:51 pm by ollydbg »
If some piece of memory should be reused, turn them to variables (or const variables).
If some piece of operations should be reused, turn them to functions.
If they happened together, then turn them to classes.

Offline Loaden

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Re: The 19 september 2010 build (6608) CODECOMPLETION BRANCH version is out.
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2010, 02:03:07 pm »
Under windows, there is a bug can't fixed yet. (this bug seems does not happened under linux)

Steps to proudce it:

1, open the contribute. workspace
2, double click on a project
3, then double click on another project to active another project.
4, continue the step 3 about more then 10 times, then cb will crash.
crash report like this:
Error occured on Sunday, September 19, 2010 at 14:05:11.

D:\DengYC\CodeBlocks-svn\src\devel\codeblocks.exe caused an Access Violation at location 65ede6ed in module D:\DengYC\CodeBlocks-svn\src\devel\share\codeblocks\plugins\codecompletion.dll Reading from location 103f5070.

eax=103f5070 ebx=00000001 ecx=00000000 edx=00000000 esi=65ec808a edi=021217a0
eip=65ede6ed esp=0022f7f8 ebp=0022f830 iopl=0         nv up ei pl nz na pe nc
cs=001b  ss=0023  ds=0023  es=0023  fs=003b  gs=0000             efl=00010202

Call stack:
65EDE6ED  D:\DengYC\CodeBlocks-svn\src\devel\share\codeblocks\plugins\codecompletion.dll:65EDE6ED
65EDE9A6  D:\DengYC\CodeBlocks-svn\src\devel\share\codeblocks\plugins\codecompletion.dll:65EDE9A6
65EDF50A  D:\DengYC\CodeBlocks-svn\src\devel\share\codeblocks\plugins\codecompletion.dll:65EDF50A
65EE4D93  D:\DengYC\CodeBlocks-svn\src\devel\share\codeblocks\plugins\codecompletion.dll:65EE4D93
65EE4E77  D:\DengYC\CodeBlocks-svn\src\devel\share\codeblocks\plugins\codecompletion.dll:65EE4E77
65ECE64D  D:\DengYC\CodeBlocks-svn\src\devel\share\codeblocks\plugins\codecompletion.dll:65ECE64D
65EC865D  D:\DengYC\CodeBlocks-svn\src\devel\share\codeblocks\plugins\codecompletion.dll:65EC865D
68502BC9  D:\DengYC\LoveDEV\sdk\wx\lib\gcc_dll\wxmsw28u.dll:68502BC9  _ZN12wxEvtHandler21ProcessEventIfMatchesERK21wxEventTableEntryBasePS_R7wxEvent
68504651  D:\DengYC\LoveDEV\sdk\wx\lib\gcc_dll\wxmsw28u.dll:68504651  _ZN16wxEventHashTable11HandleEventER7wxEventP12wxEvtHandler
68504728  D:\DengYC\LoveDEV\sdk\wx\lib\gcc_dll\wxmsw28u.dll:68504728  _ZN12wxEvtHandler12ProcessEventER7wxEvent
65ED128A  D:\DengYC\CodeBlocks-svn\src\devel\share\codeblocks\plugins\codecompletion.dll:65ED128A
65ED034E  D:\DengYC\CodeBlocks-svn\src\devel\share\codeblocks\plugins\codecompletion.dll:65ED034E
68502BC9  D:\DengYC\LoveDEV\sdk\wx\lib\gcc_dll\wxmsw28u.dll:68502BC9  _ZN12wxEvtHandler21ProcessEventIfMatchesERK21wxEventTableEntryBasePS_R7wxEvent
68502D10  D:\DengYC\LoveDEV\sdk\wx\lib\gcc_dll\wxmsw28u.dll:68502D10  _ZN12wxEvtHandler23SearchDynamicEventTableER7wxEvent
685046F7  D:\DengYC\LoveDEV\sdk\wx\lib\gcc_dll\wxmsw28u.dll:685046F7  _ZN12wxEvtHandler12ProcessEventER7wxEvent
6850416E  D:\DengYC\LoveDEV\sdk\wx\lib\gcc_dll\wxmsw28u.dll:6850416E  _ZN12wxEvtHandler20ProcessPendingEventsEv
684815A8  D:\DengYC\LoveDEV\sdk\wx\lib\gcc_dll\wxmsw28u.dll:684815A8  _ZN12wxAppConsole20ProcessPendingEventsEv
688837C6  D:\DengYC\LoveDEV\sdk\wx\lib\gcc_dll\wxmsw28u.dll:688837C6  _ZN18wxHtmlSearchEngineD1Ev
77D2B372  C:\WINDOWS\system32\USER32.dll:77D2B372  MoveWindow
77D2B317  C:\WINDOWS\system32\USER32.dll:77D2B317  MoveWindow
77D278D0  C:\WINDOWS\system32\USER32.dll:77D278D0  GetWindowTextLengthW
7C92E473  C:\WINDOWS\system32\ntdll.dll:7C92E473  KiUserCallbackDispatcher
68536683  D:\DengYC\LoveDEV\sdk\wx\lib\gcc_dll\wxmsw28u.dll:68536683  _ZN11wxEventLoop8DispatchEv
685CA58E  D:\DengYC\LoveDEV\sdk\wx\lib\gcc_dll\wxmsw28u.dll:685CA58E  _ZN17wxEventLoopManual3RunEv
685A9B9B  D:\DengYC\LoveDEV\sdk\wx\lib\gcc_dll\wxmsw28u.dll:685A9B9B  _ZN9wxAppBase8MainLoopEv
0040441C  D:\DengYC\CodeBlocks-svn\src\devel\codeblocks.exe:0040441C
684B389D  D:\DengYC\LoveDEV\sdk\wx\lib\gcc_dll\wxmsw28u.dll:684B389D  _Z12wxInitializeiPPw
6850A487  D:\DengYC\LoveDEV\sdk\wx\lib\gcc_dll\wxmsw28u.dll:6850A487  _Z7wxEntryP11HINSTANCE__S0_Pci
00401AA7  D:\DengYC\CodeBlocks-svn\src\devel\codeblocks.exe:00401AA7  WinMain@16  D:/DengYC/CodeBlocks-svn/src/src/app.cpp:261
004543A6  D:\DengYC\CodeBlocks-svn\src\devel\codeblocks.exe:004543A6
004010DB  D:\DengYC\CodeBlocks-svn\src\devel\codeblocks.exe:004010DB
00401158  D:\DengYC\CodeBlocks-svn\src\devel\codeblocks.exe:00401158
7C817077  C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll:7C817077  RegisterWaitForInputIdle
After call Addr2Line, here is more info:
* Found (another) call stack *
D:\DengYC\CodeBlocks-svn\src\devel\build\gcc\bin\addr2line.exe -e D:\DengYC\CodeBlocks-svn\src\devel\share\codeblocks\plugins\codecompletion.dll 65EDE6ED:
D:\DengYC\CodeBlocks-svn\src\devel\build\gcc\bin\addr2line.exe -e D:\DengYC\CodeBlocks-svn\src\devel\share\codeblocks\plugins\codecompletion.dll 65EDE9A6:
D:\DengYC\CodeBlocks-svn\src\devel\build\gcc\bin\addr2line.exe -e D:\DengYC\CodeBlocks-svn\src\devel\share\codeblocks\plugins\codecompletion.dll 65EDF50A:
D:\DengYC\CodeBlocks-svn\src\devel\build\gcc\bin\addr2line.exe -e D:\DengYC\CodeBlocks-svn\src\devel\share\codeblocks\plugins\codecompletion.dll 65EE4D93:
D:\DengYC\CodeBlocks-svn\src\devel\build\gcc\bin\addr2line.exe -e D:\DengYC\CodeBlocks-svn\src\devel\share\codeblocks\plugins\codecompletion.dll 65EE4E77:
D:\DengYC\CodeBlocks-svn\src\devel\build\gcc\bin\addr2line.exe -e D:\DengYC\CodeBlocks-svn\src\devel\share\codeblocks\plugins\codecompletion.dll 65ECE64D:
D:\DengYC\CodeBlocks-svn\src\devel\build\gcc\bin\addr2line.exe -e D:\DengYC\CodeBlocks-svn\src\devel\share\codeblocks\plugins\codecompletion.dll 65EC865D:
D:\DengYC\CodeBlocks-svn\src\devel\build\gcc\bin\addr2line.exe -e D:\DengYC\LoveDEV\sdk\wx\lib\gcc_dll\wxmsw28u.dll 68502BC9:
D:\DengYC\CodeBlocks-svn\src\devel\build\gcc\bin\addr2line.exe -e D:\DengYC\LoveDEV\sdk\wx\lib\gcc_dll\wxmsw28u.dll 68504651:
D:\DengYC\CodeBlocks-svn\src\devel\build\gcc\bin\addr2line.exe -e D:\DengYC\LoveDEV\sdk\wx\lib\gcc_dll\wxmsw28u.dll 68504728:
D:\DengYC\CodeBlocks-svn\src\devel\build\gcc\bin\addr2line.exe -e D:\DengYC\CodeBlocks-svn\src\devel\share\codeblocks\plugins\codecompletion.dll 65ED128A:
D:\DengYC\CodeBlocks-svn\src\devel\build\gcc\bin\addr2line.exe -e D:\DengYC\CodeBlocks-svn\src\devel\share\codeblocks\plugins\codecompletion.dll 65ED034E:
D:\DengYC\CodeBlocks-svn\src\devel\build\gcc\bin\addr2line.exe -e D:\DengYC\LoveDEV\sdk\wx\lib\gcc_dll\wxmsw28u.dll 68502BC9:
D:\DengYC\CodeBlocks-svn\src\devel\build\gcc\bin\addr2line.exe -e D:\DengYC\LoveDEV\sdk\wx\lib\gcc_dll\wxmsw28u.dll 68502D10:
D:\DengYC\CodeBlocks-svn\src\devel\build\gcc\bin\addr2line.exe -e D:\DengYC\LoveDEV\sdk\wx\lib\gcc_dll\wxmsw28u.dll 685046F7:
D:\DengYC\CodeBlocks-svn\src\devel\build\gcc\bin\addr2line.exe -e D:\DengYC\LoveDEV\sdk\wx\lib\gcc_dll\wxmsw28u.dll 6850416E:
D:\DengYC\CodeBlocks-svn\src\devel\build\gcc\bin\addr2line.exe -e D:\DengYC\LoveDEV\sdk\wx\lib\gcc_dll\wxmsw28u.dll 684815A8:
D:\DengYC\CodeBlocks-svn\src\devel\build\gcc\bin\addr2line.exe -e D:\DengYC\LoveDEV\sdk\wx\lib\gcc_dll\wxmsw28u.dll 688837C6:
D:\DengYC\CodeBlocks-svn\src\devel\build\gcc\bin\addr2line.exe -e C:\WINDOWS\system32\USER32.dll 77D2B372:
D:\DengYC\CodeBlocks-svn\src\devel\build\gcc\bin\addr2line.exe -e C:\WINDOWS\system32\USER32.dll 77D2B317:
D:\DengYC\CodeBlocks-svn\src\devel\build\gcc\bin\addr2line.exe -e C:\WINDOWS\system32\USER32.dll 77D278D0:
D:\DengYC\CodeBlocks-svn\src\devel\build\gcc\bin\addr2line.exe -e C:\WINDOWS\system32\ntdll.dll 7C92E473:
D:\DengYC\CodeBlocks-svn\src\devel\build\gcc\bin\addr2line.exe -e D:\DengYC\LoveDEV\sdk\wx\lib\gcc_dll\wxmsw28u.dll 68536683:
D:\DengYC\CodeBlocks-svn\src\devel\build\gcc\bin\addr2line.exe -e D:\DengYC\LoveDEV\sdk\wx\lib\gcc_dll\wxmsw28u.dll 685CA58E:
D:\DengYC\CodeBlocks-svn\src\devel\build\gcc\bin\addr2line.exe -e D:\DengYC\LoveDEV\sdk\wx\lib\gcc_dll\wxmsw28u.dll 685A9B9B:
D:\DengYC\CodeBlocks-svn\src\devel\build\gcc\bin\addr2line.exe -e D:\DengYC\CodeBlocks-svn\src\devel\codeblocks.exe 0040441C:
D:\DengYC\CodeBlocks-svn\src\devel\build\gcc\bin\addr2line.exe -e D:\DengYC\LoveDEV\sdk\wx\lib\gcc_dll\wxmsw28u.dll 684B389D:
D:\DengYC\CodeBlocks-svn\src\devel\build\gcc\bin\addr2line.exe -e D:\DengYC\LoveDEV\sdk\wx\lib\gcc_dll\wxmsw28u.dll 6850A487:
D:\DengYC\CodeBlocks-svn\src\devel\build\gcc\bin\addr2line.exe -e D:\DengYC\CodeBlocks-svn\src\devel\codeblocks.exe 00401AA7:
D:\DengYC\CodeBlocks-svn\src\devel\build\gcc\bin\addr2line.exe -e D:\DengYC\CodeBlocks-svn\src\devel\codeblocks.exe 004543A6:
D:\DengYC\CodeBlocks-svn\src\devel\build\gcc\bin\addr2line.exe -e D:\DengYC\CodeBlocks-svn\src\devel\codeblocks.exe 004010DB:
D:\DengYC\CodeBlocks-svn\src\devel\build\gcc\bin\addr2line.exe -e D:\DengYC\CodeBlocks-svn\src\devel\codeblocks.exe 00401158:
D:\DengYC\CodeBlocks-svn\src\devel\build\gcc\bin\addr2line.exe -e C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll 7C817077:
« Last Edit: September 19, 2010, 02:13:34 pm by Loaden »

Offline imnotcb

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Re: The 19 september 2010 build (6608) CODECOMPLETION BRANCH version is out.
« Reply #5 on: September 20, 2010, 01:20:22 am »
[I don't speak english]
* The 19 september 2010 build (6608) CODECOMPLETION BRANCH version is out.

syntax highlight problem (no bug)
(platform: win7 x64)

#if !(__GNUC__ > 4 || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 6))    << color => blue
# undef TOTO                                                                            << color => blue
# ifdef __GNUG__                                                                        << color => blue
#  define TOTO    1234                                                                << color => ... black?
# else                                                                                       << color => blue
#  define TOTO    4321                                                                << color => blue
# endif                                                                                      << color => blue
#endif                                                                                       << color => blue


#if !(__GNUC__ > 4 || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 6))    << color => blue
# undef TOTO                                                                             << color => blue
# if defined __GNUG__                                                                  << color => blue
#  define TOTO    1234                                                                 << color => blue
# else                                                                                        << color => blue
#  define TOTO    4321                                                                 << color => ... black?
# endif                                                                                       << color => blue
#endif                                                                                        << color => blue
« Last Edit: September 20, 2010, 01:23:58 am by imnotcb »

Offline ollydbg

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Re: The 19 september 2010 build (6608) CODECOMPLETION BRANCH version is out.
« Reply #6 on: September 20, 2010, 01:27:20 am »
[I don't speak english]
* The 19 september 2010 build (6608) CODECOMPLETION BRANCH version is out.

syntax highlight problem (no bug)

#if !(__GNUC__ > 4 || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 6))    << color => blue
# undef TOTO                                                                            << color => blue
# ifdef __GNUG__                                                                        << color => blue
#  define TOTO    1234                                                                << color => ... black?
# else                                                                                       << color => blue
#  define TOTO    4321                                                                << color => blue
# endif                                                                                      << color => blue
#endif                                                                                       << color => blue


#if !(__GNUC__ > 4 || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 6))    << color => blue
# undef TOTO                                                                             << color => blue
# if defined __GNUG__                                                                  << color => blue
#  define TOTO    1234                                                                 << color => blue
# else                                                                                        << color => blue
#  define TOTO    4321                                                                 << color => ... black?
# endif                                                                                       << color => blue
#endif                                                                                        << color => blue

HI, imnotcb, the "no-bug" example shows "as" the __GNUG__ is defined.
The later example shows that this macro is not defined.
The syntax highlight is done by the scintilla control, I'm not sure how it works.
CodeCompletion plugin currently not support the syntax highlight. (but CodeCompletion plugin do parse these preprocessor)

If some piece of memory should be reused, turn them to variables (or const variables).
If some piece of operations should be reused, turn them to functions.
If they happened together, then turn them to classes.

Offline imnotcb

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Re: The 19 september 2010 build (6608) CODECOMPLETION BRANCH version is out.
« Reply #7 on: September 20, 2010, 01:31:50 am »
it's possibly a bug because: ifdef == if defined
look my example again

Offline Jenna

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Re: The 19 september 2010 build (6608) CODECOMPLETION BRANCH version is out.
« Reply #8 on: September 21, 2010, 12:26:35 am »
@Loaden, I can not reproduce the crash, but face another bug:

if no file is open, the symbols-browser does not show anything (except the default symbols: Global functions, etc.) or the last shown entries, if at least one file was open and now all files are closed, after reparsing with no files open the symbols-browser is cleared (reparse-now from sb's ciontext-menu).

Offline Loaden

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Re: The 19 september 2010 build (6608) CODECOMPLETION BRANCH version is out.
« Reply #9 on: September 21, 2010, 06:31:42 am »
@Loaden, I can not reproduce the crash, but face another bug:

if no file is open, the symbols-browser does not show anything (except the default symbols: Global functions, etc.) or the last shown entries, if at least one file was open and now all files are closed, after reparsing with no files open the symbols-browser is cleared (reparse-now from sb's ciontext-menu).
Thank you, I have found the reason and fixed soon!

Offline Loaden

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Re: The 19 september 2010 build (6608) CODECOMPLETION BRANCH version is out.
« Reply #10 on: September 21, 2010, 06:42:08 am »
1. Fix a crash under windows
2. Member variable of the unified style of naming
3. Now NativeParser::GetParser return reference always
4. Parser instance of removing unnecessary
5. Parser to the active editor is never removed
6. Refactoring some variable names, function names

Offline ollydbg

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Re: The 19 september 2010 build (6608) CODECOMPLETION BRANCH version is out.
« Reply #11 on: September 21, 2010, 07:17:54 am »
1. Fix a crash under windows
2. Member variable of the unified style of naming
3. Now NativeParser::GetParser return reference always
4. Parser instance of removing unnecessary
5. Parser to the active editor is never removed
6. Refactoring some variable names, function names

I can confirm the crash problem I reported in this thread was gone!

Nice work, Loaden!!!

If some piece of memory should be reused, turn them to variables (or const variables).
If some piece of operations should be reused, turn them to functions.
If they happened together, then turn them to classes.

Offline helpse

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Re: The 19 september 2010 build (6608) CODECOMPLETION BRANCH version is out.
« Reply #12 on: September 21, 2010, 08:46:28 am »
Ok guys, i need urgent help. I'm having this issue with CodeCompletion. It's the "Open header file" function. It was not working in my official release of CB 10.05, so i downloaded this one:
but its still not working! It worked first but not anymore. I think u should review the code lines about this, cause this bug is annoying me a lot......

Offline ollydbg

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Re: The 19 september 2010 build (6608) CODECOMPLETION BRANCH version is out.
« Reply #13 on: September 21, 2010, 08:49:14 am »
It worked first but not anymore. I think u should review the code lines about this, cause this bug is annoying me a lot......
My friend, what's the exact problem you have? Can you explain more???
Hopefully you should give us a minimal sample test code.
If some piece of memory should be reused, turn them to variables (or const variables).
If some piece of operations should be reused, turn them to functions.
If they happened together, then turn them to classes.

Offline Loaden

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Re: The 19 september 2010 build (6608) CODECOMPLETION BRANCH version is out.
« Reply #14 on: September 21, 2010, 02:23:09 pm »
1. Fix *NONE* project parser error
2. Add parse any files opened through DDE or the command-line